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Alphabet Soup of Workers’ Compensation, Part II—Later in Case Concerns

Alphabet Soup of Workers’ Compensation, Part II—Later in Case Concerns

My earlier post covered issues that arise earlier in a case (AWW, TD, PTPs, WPI, RFAs, UR and IMR). Later in a case, you might encounter one or some of the following situations (with their associated acronyms): P&S—Permanent and Stationary A Permanent and Stationary (P&S)…

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Why Wage Loss (TD) Stops in a California Work Comp Case?

Why Wage Loss (TD) Stops in a California Work Comp Case?

Imagine being injured so badly at work that your doctor tells you to stay home. Or, your doctor gives you work restrictions and your employer cannot meet them. You should get paid until you can return to your job or another job. Right? While that…

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I Was Injured At Work in California, Can I Choose My Doctor?

I Was Injured At Work in California, Can I Choose My Doctor?

As with many things in law, the answer is, it depends. The more cynical answer is, yes, but the insurance controls the doctors on the list. So, how good is that list going to be? We call these lists Medical Provider Networks or MPNs. Each…

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The Alphabet Soup of Work Comp in California – An Introduction to Common Work Comp Acronyms

The Alphabet Soup of Work Comp in California – An Introduction to Common Work Comp Acronyms

There are a few things injured workers should expect. Medical treatment and pay for time lost due to the injury among them. Often not expected, however, is the paperwork and regulations buried in a sea of acronyms. Here, we will discuss some of those acronyms…

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What is a Medicare Set Aside (“MSA”) in California?

What is a Medicare Set Aside (“MSA”) in California?

What is a Medicare Set Aside ("MSA")? How does an MSA affect my Workers’ Compensation case? A MSA is an estimate of your future medical costs due to your Workers’ Compensation injury. While these are not required in most cases, injured workers who are Medicare…

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Medical Care Following a Work Injury in California

Medical Care Following a Work Injury in California

After a workplace injury, the first thing that might happen is paperwork or an incident report. It might have been a trip to the emergency room. Often, though, an employee is directed to a front-line occupational medical clinic. Some clinics are favored by employers or…

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Calculating Your Wage Loss (TD Rate) in a California Work Comp Case

Calculating Your Wage Loss (TD Rate) in a California Work Comp Case

Insurance carriers love to "hide the ball" when paying your wages while you are off work recovering from your injury. Whether its not including your overtime or using time off from a planned vacation to deflate your earnings, this guide can help you figure out…

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Workers’ Compensation Benefits in California

Workers’ Compensation Benefits in California

Workers’ Compensation is defined as a “limited benefits system.” Meaning, unlike a Personal Injury case, where damages can be decided by a judge or jury, “Compensation” under California’s Workers’ Compensation system is limited to the benefits defined by the Labor Code. Labor Code § 3209 makes…

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